Outpouring of Truth offers a God-anointed teaching, Exposing World Systems in the Christian Church (Ephesians 5:11), which unveils worldly practices that have crept into the Church grieving the heart of God. Christians are challenged with the biblical prohibitions against swearing oaths or pledging into secret societies, which on the surface may appear biblically acceptable, but in truth are anti-biblical. Other presentations include Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing Bearing Doctrines of Demons, New Age and New Thought Deceptions in Our Midst, and One Human Race: Biblically Confronting the Evils of Racism
Dance Ministry
Water Falls ministers sermons in motion which usher in the Lord’s presence and releases His power which destroys yokes of bondage, ministers healing, and brings forth deliverance and liberty to the captives in Jesus’ name.
Men's Ministry
Fishers of Men is a fellowship of evangelistic and ‘on fire for Christ’ men of God with a heart for gathering the end time harvest. Their three-point focus includes Fellowship and Bible Study, Outreach and Evangelism, Mentoring and Discipleship, which empowers God's sons to stand shoulder to shoulder as they fulfill the Great Commission. They meet every fourth Saturday
Women's Ministry
Streams of Virtue are evangelistic women of God who gather for spiritual renewal and who desire to be raised up to release living waters in their families and communities for God's glory. It is also a fellowship of love and encouragement with opportunities for those who are older in the Lord to teach the younger women while ministering to their needs. The ministry meets every fourth Saturday.
Young Adult Ministry
Fresh Flowing Springs serves young adults who are 18 and older and on fire for Christ. Through scheduled activities, the ministry embraces biblical standards while purposefully counteracting spiritual complacency by encouraging one another to carry God's word in our hearts and to live as righteous examples of His holy presence living inside of us. Spirit of the living God fall FRESH on your people.
Youth Ministry
New Rivers Rising trains the youth in the ways they should go and ministers to their practical needs in today’s culture. The ministry schedules periodic activities and events and is nurturing within the youth an appreciation and love for God’s word. The young people also minister before the congregation on Youth Sunday, every fifth Sunday.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Water Washed Warriors are sold out soldiers in the army of the Lord who have a sincere heart, a diligent steadfastness to pray without ceasing, and a willingness to faithfully intercede for the needs of others.
Marriage Ministry
One Faithful Fountain meets quarterly to impart God’s proposal for marriage according to Ephesians 5 and to minister to the specific spiritual needs of those who are married, engaged, separated, or divorced.
Worship Ministry
Rivers of Worship ministers songs of praise that glorify the LORD and inspire the body of Christ into deeper levels of intimacy with the Savior. Worship goes forth through a heartfelt passion for holiness and for worshipping God in Spirit and truth in accordance with John 4:24.